1.亚当·斯密 (Adam Smith,1723-1790): |
2.罗伯特·欧文 (Robert Owen,1771-1858) |
3.查尔斯·巴贝奇 (Charles BABbage,1792-1871) |
4.弗雷德里克·W·泰勒 (Frederick W. Taylor,1856-1915) |
5.卡尔·巴思 (Carl G. Barth,1860-1939) |
6.亨利·甘特 (Henry L. Gantt,1861-1919) |
7.弗兰克·吉尔布雷斯 (Frank B. Gilbreth,1868-1924) |
8.莉莲·吉尔布雷斯 (Lillian Moller Gilbreth,1878-1972) |
9.哈林顿·埃默森 (Harrington Emerson,1853-1931) |
10.莫里斯·库克 (Morris Cooke,1872-1960) |
11.亨利·法约尔 (Henry Fayol,1841-1925) |
12.马克斯·韦伯 (Max Weber,1864-1920) |
13.林德尔·厄威克 (Lyndall F. Urwick,1891-1984) |
14.卢瑟·古利克 (Luther H. Gulick,1892-1993) |
15.玛丽·帕克·福莱特 (Mary Parker Follett,1868-l933) |
16.雨果·孟斯特伯格 (Hugo Munsterberg,1863-l9l6) |
17.乔治·埃尔顿·梅奥 (George Elton Mayo,1880-1949) |
18.弗里茨·罗特利斯伯格 (Fritz J. ROEthlisberger,1898-1974) |
19.赫伯特·西蒙 (Herbert A. SIMon) |
20.亚伯拉罕·马斯洛 (Abraham Maslow,1908-l970) |
21.克莱顿·阿尔德佛 (Clayton Alderfer) |
22.戴维·麦克利兰 (David McClelland) |
23.道格拉斯·麦克雷戈 (Douglas McGregor,1906-1964年) |
24.约翰·莫尔斯 (John Morse) |
25.威廉·奥奇 (William G. Ouchi) |
26.克瑞斯·阿吉里斯 (Chris Argyris) |
27.库尔特·勒温 (Kurt Lewin,1890 - 1947) |
28.利兰·布雷德福 (Leland Bradfurd) |
29.伯尔赫斯·弗雷德里克·斯金纳 (B. F. Skinner) |
30.阿尔伯特·班杜拉 (Albert Bandura) |
31.莱曼·波特 (Lyman Porter) |
32.维克托·弗鲁姆 (ViCTOr H. Vroom) |
33.弗雷德里克·赫茨伯格 (Frederick Herzberg) |
34.斯塔西·亚当斯 (J. Stacy. Adams) |
35.哈罗德·凯利 (Harold H. Kelley) |
36.哈罗德·孔茨 (Harold koontz,1908-1984) |
37.切斯特·巴纳德 (Chester Barnard,1886-1961) |
38.斯坦利·西肖尔 (Stanley E. Seashore) |
39.罗伯特·坦南鲍姆 (Robert Tannenbaum) |
40.俄亥俄州立大学研究小组 |
41.伦西斯·利克特 (Rensis Likert)(密执安研究) |
42.罗伯特·布莱克 (Robert R. Blake) |
43.弗雷德·菲德勒 (Fred E. Fiedler) |
44.罗伯特·豪斯 (Robert J House) |
45.保罗·赫塞 (Paul Hersey) |
46.理查德·约翰逊 (Richard A. Johnson) |
47.弗里蒙特·卡斯特 (Fremont E. KAst) |
48.詹姆斯·罗森茨韦克 (James E. Rosenzweig) |
49.詹姆斯·米勒 (James Grier Miller) |
50.梅萨·罗维奇 (M. Mesarovie) |
51.彼得·德鲁克 (PEter Drucker) |
52.欧内斯特·戴尔 (Ernest Dale) |
53.威廉·纽曼 (William Newman) |
54.艾尔弗雷德·P·斯隆 (Alfred P.Sloan) |
55.保罗·劳伦斯 (Paul R. Lawrence) |
56.弗雷德·卢桑斯 (Fred Luthars) |
57.琼·伍德沃德 (英国,Joan Woodward) |
58.亨利·明茨伯格 (Henry Mintzberg) |
59.埃尔伍德·斯潘塞·伯法 (Elwood Spencer Buffa) |
60.W·爱德华兹·戴明 (W. Edwards Deming) |
61.约瑟夫·朱兰 (Joseph Juran) |
62.戴尔·卡耐基 (Dale Carnegie) |
63.詹姆士·钱皮 (James Champy) |
64.马文·鲍尔 (Marvin Bower) |
65.大前研一 (KeNIChi Ohmae) |
66.汤姆·彼得斯 (Tom Peters) |
67.布鲁斯·亨德森 (Bruce Henderson) |
68.亨利·福特 (Henry Ford) |
69.小托马斯·沃森 (Thomas Watson Jr.) |
70.戴维·帕卡德 (David Packard) |
71.盛田昭夫 (Akito Morita) |
72.松下幸之助 (Konosuke Matsushita) |
73.罗伯特·汤赛德 (Robert Townsend) |
74.哈罗德·杰宁 (Harold Geneen) |
75.伊戈尔·安索夫 (Igor Ansoff) |
76.迈克尔·波特 (Michael Porter) |
77.加里·哈默尔 (Gary Hamel) |
78.理查德·帕斯卡尔 (RiChard Pascale) |
79.罗莎贝斯·莫斯·坎特 (Rosabeth Moss kanter) |
80.查尔斯·汉迪 (Charles Handy) |
81.艾尔弗雷德·D·钱德勒 (Alfred Chandler) |
82.苏曼特拉·戈沙尔 (Sumantra Ghoshal) |
83.彼得·圣吉 (Peter Senge) |
84.吉尔特·霍夫斯塔德 (Geert Hofstede) |
85.冯斯·琼潘纳斯 (Fons Trompenaars) |
86.艾德佳·沙因 (EDGAR Schein) |
87.埃里奥特·杰奎斯 (ElliOTT Jaques) |
88.阿尔文·托夫勒 (Alvin Toffler) |
89.约翰·奈斯比特 (John NaISItt) |
90.玛丽·帕克·福列特 (Mary Parker Follett) |
91.沃伦·本尼斯 (Warren Bennis) |
92.劳伦斯·彼得 (Laurence Peter) |
93.西奥多·莱维特 (Theodore Levitt) |
94.菲利普·科特勒 (Philip Kotler) |
95.杰伊·洛希 (Jay W. Lorsch) |
96.爱德华·劳勒 (Edward Lawler) |
97.沃伦·施密特 (Warren H. SchmiDT) |
98.简·莫顿 (Jane S. Mouton) |
99.特伦斯·米切尔 (Terence R. Mitchell) |
100.肯尼斯·布兰查德 (Kenneth Blanchard) |
莫顿和布莱克于1964年合著了《管理方格》(The Managerial Grid)一书,提出了研究领导方式及其有效性的管理方格理论。这本书出版后得到学界的广泛重视和业界的高度欢迎,十多年时间,在美国就销出近百万册。
Jane Srygley Mouton is not mentioned in the volumes of Who’s Who among American Women, Notable American Women, or even the EncyclopEDIa of American Biographies. Despite being a woman noted for her intellectual PRowess, Mouton was nonetheless a female scholar in the 1950’s and 1960’s (Kleiner, 1996). Like many promISIng women of the time, her history seems to have been overlooked. In fact, from the 1940’s through 1960’s noteworthy women were generally disregarded, espeCIAlly in the world of academia (Dubois, 2006). Dr. Cox often tells his COM 585 class the story of how Dr. Landini thought it was so “cute” that he was a dEPArtment chair at such a young man. SADLy, this seems to have been the general opinion directed toward all female scholars throughout these decades. The research produced by these women may have been revolutionary, but instead of regarded as legitimate, it was seen as a “cute” attempt to be scholarly. Thus, women were patted on their heads for good behavior and sent back to their offices. Unfortunately, there is truth to the statement that there is strength in nuMBers, and during Mouton’s prime females in the academic world did not yet have the numbers to be heard. In fact, co-ed colleges had only become widely acceptable in the 1950’s. (Miller-Bernal & Poulson, 2004). Thus, at the time Mouton graduated with her BACHelor of Science in mathematics, there were hardly any female faculty members present at universities. She herself was among the original academic pioneers fighting to shift the gender balance, especially in the male dominated field of mathematics. In fact, Jane Srygley Mouton was among the most solid type of mathematICIan as was proven when she crossed over to furthERMore become a scholar of management, psychology, and communication. Mouton was a former student of Robert Blake from the University of Texas, which was a fortunate connection for a female in the 1950’s. Together they are famous for their creation of the aforementioned Managerial Grid which was aDMittedly composed of Mouton’s creation and Blake’s name (Bokeno, 2007). The Grid came into existence when Blake and Mouton were hired as consultants by Exxon. It was during this time that their supposedly combined efforts produced the grid as a method of finding a median between McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y workers (CAPStone, 2003). Originally, their work was reflected upon the National TEAChing Laboratories (NTL) who they had worked with as a means of bringing their ideas into the organizations (Kleiner, 1996). In fact, Mouton was among few women to LEAd one of the NTL’s T-Groups (Training Groups) during the 1950’s. However, Blake and Mouton’s methodology was more focused on treating the organizational issues rather than simply diagnosing them. This was contrary to standard NTL practices. Thus, they separated from the company. Blake had even copyrighted the Grid so that only by franchising with him could someone eLSE use the Grid for training, thus ensuring that everyone would use it in the way Blake and Mouton deemed fitting. Therefore, through their work with NTL LEAding T-Group’s and the creation of Mouton’s Managerial Grid, Blake became famous and Mouton was seemingly allowed to ride on his coat tails, eventually co-founding Scientific Methods, Inc in 1961 (Ultimate, 2003). On a more personal note, Jane Srygley was born on April 15, 1930 in Port Arthur, TX (Contemporary, 2004). Her father, Theodore Quarles Srygley, was an educator and her mother, Grace Stumpe Srygley, was a psychologist. She married an investor, Jackson, C. Mouton, Jr. on DeCEMber 22, 1953. The Moutons had two daughters named Jane Martha and Jacquelyn Cruse. Kleiner (1996) remarked that individuals who knew her well regarded her as someone who loved being outdoors, especially around horses. She was furthermore considered by that group to be highly intelligent, well composed, and devoted to her work. Perhaps if the rest of the world had recognized those same qualities, she would be remembered as a scholar rather than Blake’s assistant. Jane Srygley Mouton received her Bachelor of Science in Mathematical Education from the University of Texas at Austin in 1950 and later returned to complete a PhD in 1957 (Contemporary, 2004). She also received a Masters of Science from Florida State University in 1951. She was certainly loyal to the University of Texas at Austin considering that her working positions include being a research scientist from 1953-1957, a social science researcher and instructor from 1957-1959, and assistant professor of psychology from 1959-1964. She was furthermore vice-president of Scientific Methods Inc. from 1961 -1981 and has presided as president of the company since 1982.
- Honorary member of the faculty at the Institute of Business Administration and Management in Tokyo, Japan.
- Best Writing Award from the American Society for Training and DevelOPMent (1961-1962).
- Book Award from the American College of Hospital Administrators for The New Managerial Grid (1980).
- Book of the Year Award from the American Journal of Nursing (1982) for Grid Approaches for Managerial Leadership in Nursing.
- Book of the Year Award from the American Management Association (1982) for Productivity: The Human Side.